Acquiring Languages the Natural Way

This is a blog about my various language learning experiments. Currently I am only learning to speak Russian. My future bucket list includes: Ukrainian, Norwegian and Irish but I will wait until I'm at the B1 level in Russian (The CEFR Levels) before I seriously attempt those. I may dabble in Norwegian earlier since it's a Germanic language that won't cause confusion with my Russian and supposedly the easiest language for English speakers to learn.

You can follow my progress on my other blog: Acquiring Russian The Natural Way

The idea of 'acquiring' a language vs 'learning' comes from people like Stephen Krashen, Steve Kaufmann, and Jeff Brown. And methods like All Japanese All The Time, the Mass Immersion Approach, and Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS).

In short my approach is based comprehensible input, lots of exposure, not worrying about output (speaking) or grammar until later in the process.

The core resources that I used, depending on the availability for my target language are:

Anki To brute force memorise around 500 of the 
Glossika For reading, listening, pronunciation practice and absorbing sentences.
Fluent Forever: Pronunciation Trainer For learning to recognise and produce the phonemes. 
Fluent Forever: Word List As with Anki for a basic vocabulary. For reading, vocabulary acquisition, and working through the Speakly monologues.
ListLang For vocabulary acquisition and retention. For an overview of a method I broadly follow and the discord community.
Speakly For learning vocabulary in context and the narrated monologues.

Plus any YouTube channels with native content or comprehensible input.

For Russian in particular:

Head over to Acquiring Russian The Natural Way to find more resources and to follow my progress.


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